Parables…Of the Lost

Luke 15 is a chapter that strikes me and redefines my definition of love. 

“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. ( vv 1 - 3 ) - NIV 

Thinking about these parables especially of the lost sheep and coin in which there were remainders of 99 and 9 respectively, I felt that the characters in these parables were being greedy. Isn’t 99 and 9 more than just 1, aren’t they greedy to want an intact 100 and 10? 

But then I realized the import of their actions. The woman and man in these parables were not greedy, No, they never were. They could just not afford to lose that one sheep or one coin. In fact, that one sheep and one coin meant as much to them as the 99 and the 9. 

The man was probably worrying, “How can this sheep be alone? How can he survive on his own in the midst of predators and harsh weathers? How will he eat? No, I can’t make him go through all that. I will not be fine and enjoy a peace of mind if I know that that one sheep is out there wandering in the wilderness, hungry and cold without protection. I need to go and find him and bring him home”. 

That’s how God loves us. Each and every one of us means a whole lot to Him that He can’t afford to lose any of us. You, dear reader, mean that much to Him that if you were the only one who needed salvation, He would have still sent His Precious Son to die for only you. And that’s why He is patiently looking out and waiting for you, just as He did in the parable of the lost son. Waiting to welcome you again into His fold. To clothe you in His love. To restore your position as a son or daughter and not a servant. 

Many are the sins you may have committed, but you are somebody He still wants. He loves you so much. Nothing can and will ever separate you from His love. You can not do anything to merit His love, and there is nothing you can do to stop Him from loving you. Dear, accept His love, accept His forgiveness and receive a second chance. 

Want to give your life to Christ? Pray this prayer:  

Father God,  
I thank You for Your great love for me in Christ Jesus. I realize that I am a sinner. From today, I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal savior. I confess Him as the Son of God who died for my sins, was buried and rose from the dead . 
Lord Jesus, please come into my heart today. Wash away my sins with Your precious blood. Write my name in Your Book of Life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit , and give me power to live and die for You alone. I bring my entire personality – body, soul and spirit – under Your Lordship now. 
Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen

God loves you so much, He always will


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