1 Kings 22:1-8

The response of King Jehoshaphat of Judah in this verse is a great lesson to be learnt. Before collaborating with King Ahab of Israel, he wanted to seek the counsel of the Lord first.

Do you do likewise?
Do you get God involved in your affairs?
Do you find out what He says before finalizing your decisions?

If not, then let's turn over a new leaf, for without God's say in our lives, homes, academics and decisons, we will fail😟😟.

Seeking God's counsel before putting your decisions into action guarantees your success and saves you from making mistakes. This is because He l❤ves you, and will not let you make unwise, unhealthy and deadly decisions if you seek His counsel about them.😊😊😊

"We can make our plans, but it is the Lord who will determine our steps"-☆Proverbs 16:9☆


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