Eat and Eat not

The ancient Israelites were narrowed as to what to eat by God because God wanted them consecrated for His purpose or perhaps, the animals in the blacklist have a way of life that does not portray cleanliness or holiness.

From Leviticus 11:1-23, the ancient Israelites were supposed to eat only terrestrial animals that chew the cud and have completely divided hoofs, unlike camel, coney, hate and swine who do not satisfy this category. They were also supposed to eat only fish with fins and scales, eat a category of insects which include locusts and grasshoppers and eat from a category of birds.

In this present generation, the Word of God makes us know that "food does not by any means draw us nearer to God, We will, in terms of our relationship with God, be no better if we eat it or any worse if we do not"(1 Cor 8:8).
1 Tim 4:4-5 also says that "Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the Word of God and prayer."
To make things clearer Romans 14 makes us aware that he who eats everything has not defaulted, neither has the one who eats only vegetables. It is all about what your level of faith allows you to do. Moreover, the kingdom is God is not even about eating and drinking but about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit( Romans 14:17). But then, whatever your faith allows you to do, whether to eat everything or just vegetables, do it without causing your brother or sister, who does otherwise, to stumble.(Romans 14:13-16)

As it has been corroborated by the above Scriptures, the laws concerning what to eat and not to eat do not apply to us any longer, however, just as the dietary laws were to serve as a constant reminder to the Israelites that they belong to God and as such must be different from the other nations around them by being separated from anything that defiles, we are required also in this present days to be holy and to keep ourselves away from things that defile, such as sexual immorality, ungodly talks and corruption.

☆Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God- 1 Cor 10:31☆


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