Romans 5;1-2

**August 13, 1961 marked the beginning of the construction of a concrete barrier that separated East and West Germany. That wall was nearly impenetrable; it was secured with barbed wire and armed men. But in 1989 the wall was torn down, removing the barrier between the countries.

Another wall needed to be removed as well, the wall between humanity and God. That barrier was built in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve committed the first act of rebellion against God (Genesis 3).
However, Jesus' death and resurrection led to the tearing down of that barrier and has made reconciliation with God possible (II Corinthians 5:17-21).
All those who accept Christ's sacrifice for sin will have the barrier of sin torn down and be reconciled to God.

Hence, tear down that barrier of indecision, procrastination, doubt etc, and accept God's gift of Salvation now!**

An excerpt from the Daily Bread Devotional Guide 


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