Old year, New year

Yaay, 2018 is almost over😃 God has been good to us, we are still breathing, meaning we are very much alive😅 Thank you Lord😂👐 So how has the year 2018 been? Recounting the year, months, weeks days: will you say it has been a good one😊? It has been more than you expected 😅? You could count more blessings than troubles, losses, hardships😋 ? That's great, I share in your joy, may 2019 be greater 👐 But maybe for you, you can't wait for it to end so you can start afresh in a new year😟. Maybe for you, you wished the year 2018 never happened because you lost more than you gained (i.e. the loved ones who died😢, the dreams and visions that never were, the plans and resolutions that couldn't fall through, the lost jobs, the relationships that got broken💔, the exams you failed or even the health you lost😡). Some of us might have also lost our faith along the way, couldn't grow spiritually as we desired to or even fell heavily into sin. Yeah, a lot was lo...