
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hebrews 10:24

**Trying to maintain a facade of perfection in our spiritual journey doesn't help us or our fellow travelers. But sharing our lives with others in the body of Christ benefits us as well as others. When we are a bit more transparent, we may find people who are struggling in a similar situation. And as we enjoy a growing fellowship with God and become fully aware of our inadequacy and brokenness, God is able to use us more fully to help others. When we let others know about the struggles we face/faced in our Christian journey and how we were/are able to come out of it, we encourage them to move on. And when we let them know of our testimonies, they will trust God to meet their needs too.**

II Corinthians 12:8-9

**In the Bible are accounts of people who were deceitful, weak, unreliable etc. Take Jacob, for example, he deceived his father so that he would receive a blessing (Genesis 27:1-29). Then there was Gideon, who was so unsure of God that he asked God twice for a proof that He would be faithful to do what He said (Judges 6:39). And then there's Peter, who for fear of his own safety, denied even knowing his friend and Lord (Mark 14:66-72). But when we read the rest of their accounts, we observe that these people were able to overcome their shortcomings with God's help, and that happened when they depended not on themselves but on God. Just like the aforementioned people, each of us comes with flaws. But if we admit them and ask God for help, He will help us overcome them.**

James 1:17

**When everything is going well in our lives, we're tempted to think that we are good and that it is by our own abilities that we've achieved our successes. But Deuteronomy 8:18 tells us that the One who gives us the ability or power to be successful is God. So next time, when you are tempted to take credit for the blessings you enjoy, pause and remember that it is the Lord who brought those blessings, His Hand is behind all good things**

Romans 5;1-2

**August 13, 1961 marked the beginning of the construction of a concrete barrier that separated East and West Germany. That wall was nearly impenetrable; it was secured with barbed wire and armed men. But in 1989 the wall was torn down, removing the barrier between the countries. Another wall needed to be removed as well, the wall between humanity and God. That barrier was built in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve committed the first act of rebellion against God (Genesis 3). However, Jesus' death and resurrection led to the tearing down of that barrier and has made reconciliation with God possible (II Corinthians 5:17-21). All those who accept Christ's sacrifice for sin will have the barrier of sin torn down and be reconciled to God. Hence, tear down that barrier of indecision, procrastination, doubt etc, and accept God's gift of Salvation now!** An excerpt from the Daily Bread Devotional Guide 


God can do anything and everything