
Showing posts from 2017

Peter's denial

Though Peter couldn't stay loyal to Christ during those three moments, how he wept bitterly when the rooster crowed and he remembered the sayings of the Lord, revealed that he really loved Jesus. Even for the fact that he was around during Jesus' trial further confirms his love for his Master, because it is not all friends who will be around when you are in trouble, some will leave you to battle with your problems alone. Comparing the aftermath of his and Judas' relationship with Jesus after they betrayed the Lord, is noteworthy. Peter came back to the Lord, he didn't give up because he had sinned, he lived on whilst Judas felt so sinful and ashamed that he committed suicide. When we hurt the Lord in one way or the other, let's remember Peter and not feel so ashamed to come back to Him, for He is Faithful and Just to forgive us when we ask Him to and He will also cleanse us of all our sins. Departing from His presence is never the best solution, rather, d...

Justice Denied

One of the reasons why the teachers of the law wanted Jesus to die was because: they were scared that the multitudes that followed Jesus would have been seen by the Romans as an act of rebellion to overthrow their government, which would have precipitated their wrath [Romans] and caused them to raid Israel, therefore it was better if for the sake of Israel, one man dies. - (John 11:49-50) Some were not really thinking about the raid of Israel, but about the fact that that they will lose their high positions should that happen. It was the love for their positions, the comfort and power that comes with it, that prevented them from clearly seeing that Jesus is actually the Messiah they were waiting for. Just because Jesus didn't come as they envisioned, they saw Him as a threat to their stability as a nation, hence a need to get rid of Him. Would they have spearheaded the plot to kill Jesus should He have been a relative to any of them?   Life is valuable. The sanct...

The Lord is my Shepherd

The six-versed 23rd Psalm can be said to be the most widely known Psalm of the Bible, but can It be said to be widely understood? Lemme see if I can help contribute to It being understood. Here It goes: " The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want " In other words, because the Lord is leading Me, I shall not be in want. Because It is the Lord who is leading Me, I shall not lack anything because, He will make sure, as my Shepherd, to provide all that He deems best for me. " He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul " Our Lord gives us the best of everything, if only we will humble ourselves and follow His leading, we will be led to the best of everything we will need for physical and spiritual nourishment. " He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake " Our Shepherd whom we are following leads an exemplary life worthy of emulation, and if we follow Him, He wil...

Our God of mercy

Ahab was more wicked than any other king of Israel, but when he repented in deep humility, God took notice and reduced his punishment. The same Lord who was merciful to Ahab wants to be merciful to you. No matter how evil you have been, it is never too late to humble yourself, turn to God and ask for forgiveness. ☆ An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible ☆

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

It was customary for wedding guests to be given wedding clothes to wear to the banquet. It was unthinkable to refuse to wear these clothes. That would insult the host, who could only assume that the guest was arrogant and thought he didn't need these clothes, or that he did not want to take part in the wedding celebration. In this Parable, the wedding clothes picture the righteousness needed to enter God's Kingdom- the total acceptance in God's eyes that Christ gives every believer . Christ has provided these clothes of righteousness for everyone, but each person must choose to put them on in order to enter the King's Banquet (eternal life). There is an open invitation, but we must be ready. ☆ An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible ☆

Imitate me?

Paul could say this because he walked close to God, spent time in prayer and in reading God's Word, and was aware of God's presence in his life at all times. Can you also tell others to imitate you and they will not be misled? Can your life demonstrate the love, patience, faith and other virtues of Christ that are worthy of emulation? Consider these...

1 Kings 22:1-8

The response of King Jehoshaphat of Judah in this verse is a great lesson to be learnt. Before collaborating with King Ahab of Israel, he wanted to seek the counsel of the Lord first. Do you do likewise? Do you get God involved in your affairs? Do you find out what He says before finalizing your decisions? If not, then let's turn over a new leaf, for without God's say in our lives, homes, academics and decisons, we will fail😟😟. Seeking God's counsel before putting your decisions into action guarantees your success and saves you from making mistakes. This is because He l❤ves you, and will not let you make unwise, unhealthy and deadly decisions if you seek His counsel about them.😊😊😊 " We can make our plans, but it is the Lord who will determine our steps "-☆Proverbs 16:9☆

When the roll is called up yonder

When the trumpet of the Lord sounds and time is no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair, When the saved of the earth gather, And the roll is called up yonder, will you be there? On the bright and cloudless morning, When the dead in Christ rise, and share in the glory of His resurrection, When His chosen ones gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, will you be there? ☆With reference to James Milton Black's When the roll is called up yonder ☆

As we forgive...

When Daniel understood Nebuchadnezzar's dream, he was stunned, and he wondered how to break the news. He told the king he wished what the dream foreshadowed would happen to the king's enemies and not to Nebuchadnezzar. How could Daniel be so deeply grieved at the fate of Nebuchadnezzar, the king who was responsible for the destruction of Daniel's home and nation? Daniel had forgiven Nebuchadnezzar, and so God was able to use Daniel. Very often when we have been wronged by someone, We find it difficult to forget the past. We may even be glad when that person suffers. However, forgiveness means putting the past behind you. Can you love someone who has hurt you? Can you serve someone who mistreated you? Ask God to help you forgive, forget, and love. God may use you in an extraordinary way in that person's life ☆An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible☆

Thou shall not murder

I came across a nice story today and I know you will love it☺. Here it goes... A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said: “Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even one year old, and I’m pregnant again. I don’t want kids so close together.” So the doctor said: “Okay, and what do you want me to do?” She said: “I want you to end my pregnancy, and I’m counting on your help with this.” The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence, he said to the lady: “I think I have a better solution for your problem. It’s less dangerous for you, too.” She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request. Then he continued: “You see, in order for you not to have to take care of two babies at the same time, let’s kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we’re going to kill one of them, it doesn’t matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you...

Fear God

"And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye not sin." - Exodus 20:18-20 Fear God but do not be afraid of Him such that you're scared to talk to Him or approach Him. He's a loving Father who draws His children to Himself in love. But fear Him! To fear Him means to highly respect Him and to be filled with awe for Him. * Fearing God makes you put Him first, obey His commands and do what is right in His eyes. *

Exodus 15:22-23

Life does not always offer goodies. Similarly, in our Christian journey, it's not every time that we get the things we desire, sometimes we are hit squarely and badly on the face by misfortunes too. And during such times, it's only our faith in God that keeps us on the journey. But if you want to give up on God and your faith during such downside moments, just remember God's miraculous interventions in your past and believe in Him to turn things around for you and He will☺

Give to the Lord what is the Lord's

When we are recounting the many blessings that come our way, never should we rob God of the glory and honour He deserves by taking credit for them. Moses gave all the glory to God for what He has done for the Israelites when he was recounting to Jethro everything the Lord has done, and as a result, Jethro praised God and exalted Him above all other gods. (v. 10-11) ☆In sum, let's be careful to not attribute the manifold blessings of God upon our lives to our capabilities, for it's even by the grace of God that we are able to do what we do.☆

Psalm 125:1-2

Trust in God and in God alone. Even if you need to trust man for something, just trust in God to help man keep his word. That's the secret, because man is a frail being who cannot even tell if he will be alive the next second, but not our God. Our God lives and reigns forever. And if you put your faith, hope and trust in Him, never will He let you down. ☆Those who trust in God are as secure as the firm and providence-supported Mount Zion (I Peter 2:6)☆

Day and light - Genesis 1:5

Another name for day is light (v.5), which implies that all our days are supposed to be good because God's Word says so. Wondering where it's stated? Just take a glance from v5 to v4. What did you see? Lemme share what I saw☺ V4 says " God saw that the light was Good, and He separated the light from the darkness. " And another name for light is day. Therefore, our days are good; if God saw it, then let's believe it.😀😀😀

Romans 8:28

This verse reminds me of the life account of Joseph, Jacob's son. Through no sin of his, he was sold to the Midianites and finally to the Egyptians by his own siblings. Through no sin of his, Mrs Potiphar desired him and that resulted in him being thrown into prison. But through it all he remained faithful to God. A typical me would have asked: "God, where are You? Have You actually seen all that has been happening? If You have, then why did You allow them? Perhaps You haven't?" But little did Joseph know that all these occurrences were God's way of 'pushing' him into greatness.😀😀 If he had not been sold and had not ended up in Egypt or if he had still stayed in Potiphar's house and not being thrown into prison, perphaps, he wouldn't have been a prime minister, and we may not have even read about him in the Bible.😞 This account clearly shows that we may not always understand the ways of God, but we should always believe that all t...

Psalm 32:3

Old wrongs have a way of catching up with us. And old sins that have not been dealt with can lead to serious consequences; as David laments in Psalm 32:3 "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away." Confessing our wrongs restores our fellowship with the Lord: "I acknowledged my sin to you...and You forgave the guilt of my sin"(v.5) ☆Through confession we can enjoy God's forgiveness ☆

Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah-my examples

The three men were given one more chance. Here  are 8 excuses they could have used to bow to the statue and save their lives: 1. We will fall down but not  actually worship the idol. 2. We won't become idol worshipers but will worship it this one time, and then ask God for forgiveness. 3. The king has absolute power, and we must obey him. God will understand. 4. The king appointed us-we owe this to him. 5. This is a foreign land, so God will excuse us for following the customs of the land. 6. Our ancestors set up idols in God's Temple! This isn't half as bad! 7. We're not hurting anybody. 8. If we get ourselves killed and some pagans take our high positions, they won't help our people in exile! Although all these excuses sound sensible at first, they are dangerous rationalisations. To fall down and worship the image would violate God's command in Exodus 20:3, "You must not have any other god before me." It would erase their test...

Too late to change?

**When Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be "born again" to "see the Kingdom of God," he replied, "How can someone be born when they are old?...Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born!" Professor and author Merill Tenney suggests that Nicodemus was saying, in effect, "I acknowledge that a new birth is necessary, but I am too old to change. My pattern of life is set. Physical birth is out of the question and psychological rebirth seems even less probable...Is not my case hopeless? " Jesus' reply included these words, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". That is the offer of new life and a new beginning for anyone, young or old. Whatever our age or situation in life, with God's power, it's not too late to change. ** -----David Mccasland-----

Philippians 4:6

**Life doesn't carry with it simple instructions, nor do we find all of the necessary parts in hand. We face situations with no clear idea of what we're getting into or what it will take to pull it off. We can easily find ourselves overwhelmed with these difficult moments. But we need not to face our burdens alone. God wants us to bring them to Him: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation...present your requests to God. And the peace of God...will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." We have a Savior who understands and offers His peace in the midst of our struggles. ** -----Bill Crowder----

Proclaim God's salvation day after day

**The title of an old song by Steve Green says it best: "People need the Lord." It's up to us to find ways to share "the good news" with them (Ps 40:9). Not everyone feels comfortable talking to strangers, and there is no one-size-fits-all method. But God will use our personalities and His light in us to spread His love.** Let's allow God to guide us to find ways to tell others about Jesus Christ, our Redeemer! --------------Dave Branon-----------

Extraordinary Showers

What do fish, tadpoles, and spiders have in common? They have all fallen from the sky like rain in various parts of the world. Fish fell on the Australian town of Lajamanu. Tadpoles pelted areas of central Japan on multiple occasions. Spiders showered down on the San Bernardo Mountains in Argentina. Although scientists suspect that the wind plays a part in these intriguing showers, no one can fully explain them. The prophet Ezekiel described a far more extraordinary downpour (a shower of blessing-Ezek. 34:26). Ezekiel spoke of a time when God will send blessings like rain to refresh His people. The Israelites would be safe from enemy nations. They would have enough food, be liberated from slavery, and be freed from shame. (vv. 27-29). These gifts would revive Israel's relationship with God. The people would know that God was with them, and that "they, the Israelites, are His people". (v. 30) God blesses His modern-day followers too (James 1:17). Sometimes bl...

Where are you?

Genesis 3:9 The Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?" **The two teenage boys heard the sound of their parents' car and panicked. How would they explain the mess in the house? Their father's instructions had been clear that morning before he and their mother drove out of town: no parties, no rowdy friends. But the unruly friends came and the boys allowed them to stay, despite their father's warning. Now the house was in a jumble and the boys were tipsy and disheveled. In fear they hid. That was how Adam and Eve must have felt after they had chosen to disobey God and then heard the sound of Him approaching. In fear, they hid themselves. "Where are you? " God called.  Adam responded "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid and naked; so I hid". Sin makes us feel afraid and naked, and we become vulnerable to even more temptation. God is still calling to us: "Where are you?"  Many run away, trying to hide from Him or...

Acts 12:11

Acts 12:11 Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without doubt that the Lord sent His angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating. " Amen **Acts 12:1-6 describes a situation in which Peter's odds of survival were very low. He was in prison, "bound with two chains between two soldiers" while others guarded the door(v.6). Herod had already executed James (the brother of John and a disciple of Jesus Christ), and he had the same fate in mind for Peter. A gambler would not have put any money on Peter getting out of this alive. Yet God's plan for Peter included a miraculous deliverance that even those who were interceding for him found hard to believe. They were astonished when he showed up at their prayer meeting. God can operate outside the odds because He is all-powerful. Nothing is too hard for Him. The One who loves us and gave Himself for us is in charge of our lives. In ordin...

Acts 2:14

Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, "Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem!..." - Acts 2:14 **Peter has been an unstable leader during Jesus' ministry, letting his bravado be his downfall, even denying that he knew Jesus (John 18:15-18, 25-27). But Christ had forgiven and restored him (John 21). This was a new Peter, humble but bold. His confidence came from the Holy Spirit, who made him a powerful and dynamic speaker. Have you ever felt as if you've made such bad mistakes that God could never forgive you? No matter what sins you have committed, God promises to forgive you and make you useful for His Kingdom. Allow Him to forgive you and use you effectively to serve Him. ** ------An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible------

Ephesians 4:2-3

**Like a loving Father, God wants His family united. We cannot accomplish what God has for us to do if we refuse to be reconciled with one another. In His most impassioned prayer, on the night before He was crucified, Jesus pleaded with God to unite His followers: ''That they all may be one, as You, Father are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us"(John 17:21). No one is ever going to be perfect here on earth, so we must accept and love each other in spite of our various shortcomings. Rather than dwelling on the weaknesses of people and looking for their faults, pray for them, draw nigh to them and if possible, help them deal with their weaknesses. **

Hebrews 6:15

**Abraham waited patiently; it was 25 years from the time God promised him a son to the time the promise was fulfilled. Patience! Patience mainly involves trust, thus believing strongly that God will surely do what He has promised to do. Not having patience will cause you to miss/lose things of value, draw wrong conclusions and even lose your loved ones. When God is apparently 'delaying' in answering your prayers and that breakthrough is not forthcoming, Strengthen your trust in Him, believe in His Words and hold on to His promises, He will surely not let you down. In His own right time, He will make everything beautiful😊👍**

Isaiah 42:3

**When you feel broken, weak and bruised, God won't step on you or toss you aside as useless but He will gently pick you up and use you. And that's because nothing absolutely can separate you from His Love😊 If you were to be the only one on this earth,He would have still given up His Son to die for you because you mean so much to Him☺ #Keep calm and know that God loves you and He will always love you notwithstanding your weaknesses☺**

I Thessalonians 4:17-18

**To a group of  troubled disciples who feared facing life on their own Jesus said, ''I am with you always''  (Matthew 28:20). The writer to the Hebrews reminds us that Jesus said, ''I will never leave you nor forsake you'' (Hebrews 13:5-6). And the Apostle Paul assures believers that after death, ''We will be with the Lord forever'' (I Thessalonians 4:17). No matter how scary life's journey may be or how hopeless and bleak the future may look, the assurance of His never-failing presence can provide us with the courage and comfort to make it through. And best of it all, when this short life is over, we will always be with Him forever😊.**

James 1:2-4

**In the process of refining metals, the raw metal is heated with fire until it melts. The impurities separate from it and rise to the surface. They are skimmed off, leaving the metal pure. Without this heating and melting, there could be no extraction and refining of precious metals. Just as fire is needed for precious metals to be extracted and refined, so are tests and trials meant to refine us, build and strengthen our faith and make us mature and complete. Consider it pure joy because you'll be stronger and finer at the end of it all.**

Matthew 5:29-30

**When Jesus said to get rid of your hand or your eye, He was speaking figuratively. He didn't mean literally to gouge out your eye or to cut off your hand. But if that were the only choice, it would be better to go into Heaven with one eye or hand than to go to hell with two. We sometimes tolerate sins in our life that, left unchecked, could eventually destroy us. It is better to experience the pain of removal (getting rid of a bad habit or something we treasure, for instance) than to allow the sin to bring judgment and condemnation. Examine your life for anything that causes you to sin, and take every necessary action to remove it.** ------------An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible-----------

Philippians 1:12-14

**Being imprisoned would cause many people to become bitter or to give up, but Paul saw it as one more opportunity to spread the Good News of Christ. Paul realized that his current circumstances weren’t as important as what he did with them. Turning a bad situation into a good one, he reached out to the Roman soldiers who made up the palace guard and encouraged those Christians who were afraid of persecution. We may not be in prison, but there are lots of situations in which we may be discouraged (times of indecision, financial burdens, family conflict, chronic illness, church conflict, or the loss of jobs). How we act in such situations will reflect what we believe. Like Paul, look for ways to demonstrate your faith even in bad situations. Whether or not the situation changes, our faith will grow stronger. ** -----------An excerpt from the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible--------------

John 8:36

**We don’t have to stay connected to our past sins. Joseph’s brothers struggled with this. Years after they sold him into slavery, they recalled their cruelty and feared revenge (Genesis 50:15) so they sent a message to Joseph begging for forgiveness (vv 16-17). They did this despite merciful actions and reassurances from their brother. Many of us remain connected to age-old offences despite mercy and forgiveness from those we may have hurt. However, true freedom comes when we confess our wrongdoing to God. He forgives it and separates us from it (Psalm 103: 12).  As one verse puts it, He throws our sins into the depths of the sea! (Micah 7:19). Because of this, we can remind ourselves that the Son has made us free, and we are free indeed!**

Psalm 121:3

**One of the most dangerous aspects in flying is the landing. So pilots rely on the air-traffic controller to coordinate all the details so that every plane can land without any incident. Without the air-traffic controller, chaos would be certain. A pilot of an airliner full of passengers once radioed the tower and got no answer. It was eventually discovered that the air-traffic controller was in fact asleep, putting the pilot, passengers, and plane in great jeopardy. The good news is that the plane landed safely. Even better news is that God, the ultimate traffic controller, neither slumbers nor sleeps, He is always watching over His own and He keeps His children from all harm. Just keep calm and know that you are safe because your God is tirelessly watching over you😊** An excerpt from the Daily Bread Devotional Guide